Feb 27, 2009


today at 1:28 pm, the following quote from President Obama was posted on the white house website as part of a larger story:
"Let me say this as plainly as I can: by August 31, 2010, our combat mission in Iraq will end,"

so, the question on my mind, perhaps taking dave's recent post into consideration, is when did we start a combat mission in iraq, and what happened to the war?

Feb 24, 2009

i just saw this video posted at d*s - it's beautiful and simple. just lovely. and it doesn't hurt that the vocals are reminiscent of neil halsted. all details about oren lavie and the folks involved with the making of the video can be found at orenlavie.com.

Feb 13, 2009

for artists, book-lovers, design junkies, and nerds

designsponge worked with the new york public library and artists in nyc to put together a short video series that follows the artists (who use various media) as they draw inspiration from the collections at the library. this is a fun and neat look at artists' processes, the breadth of the collections in the libraries, the accessibility and versatility of research, and cross-polination of ideas. (not to mention, the total awesomeness and rocking of librarians and librarianship.)

check out the video series from start to finish (posted in reverse chronological order)

Feb 3, 2009


it's never going to stop snowing.