Jan 19, 2008

future almost perfect

my hemming and hawing is over. after much internal debate i have decided to take a class on museum studies. i'm taking it for no credit, mainly because the idea of doing it for credit scared me too much. i was getting all anxious and skin-crawly whne thinking about being graded on it. not quite sure why that is, but think it has to do with it being close to my undergrad major and a potential career path of mine which i abandoned.

the final exam for social psych was on friday, and now i have my fridays back. big sigh of relief. i enjoyed the class, but i will enjoy so much more the ability to relax immediately after work, and the ability to make plans to be out of town on weekends.

i definitely have my job until march. past march everything is undetermined. not that my future where i work isn't being considered by others - there is just no firm vision of what my role will be and what i can expect as an offer. stay tuned for more.

brief conversations about possible 2008 vacation ideas for me and nate have begun: i suggested a bike tour in croatia, or italy, or france. nate's not sure he wants to do an organized tour. nate suggested egypt. i have internalized paranoia about being conned and ripped off at national monuments there, based on honeymoon stories my parents told me. (stories from 1968, mind you.) i've also been thinking about spain and morocco and algeria. feedback is highly encouraged.


katygirl said...

Bike tour! Bike tour! In any of the destinations you mentioned, but particularly Croatia. It just looks so ridiculously beautiful there. Plus, I know some really nice Croatian people, so I have a good impression of the place. I am so envious and can't wait to live vicariously. Meanwhile Danny and I can't manage to get a few days off together to go to Maine, for crying out loud. So I am counting on you to vacation heartily and bring back stories and descriptions of strange snack foods.

Anonymous said...

I have a very pretty catalog of very expensive Euro bike tours (was toying with the idea of taking my mom on one for her 60th birthday this year until I got to the page where they actually listed costs).

Is it presumptuous of me to say that another foreign meetup would not be unwelcome? Hanging out in Turkey was fun!

sarah jo said...

foreign meetups are the wave of the future. actually, i think each trip should have two or more destinations - a round robin approach to maximize the number of meetups! who's with me?

nate said...

i'm with you.

how about portugal?

sarah jo said...

portugal and spain?

portugal, spain, and morocco?