Aug 13, 2008

100 pushups

new-to-me site hundredpushups has a training plan for people of all fitness levels in order to work up to 100 pushups.  i'm about to give it a shot.  anyone else in?  i've even put the site in my list to the side for easy access.  how much simpler could it be?


dcs said...

Yeah, where have you been? I started to do that several weeks ago because it seemed so simple and elegant. I kind of gave up at week 4. It becomes progressively less fun when you have to take out a chunk of time to do a whole bunch of stupid pushups.

I suppose that's the point, though...

sarah jo said...

clearly i've been living under a rock, and too weak in the arms to pick it up and look around. hence, starting the program. i'm sure i will be less excited in a couple of weeks. but for now, i am full of naive ambition and confidence!

Unknown said...

ok. its been 6 days! what are you up to?

sarah jo said...

what? no, dude. you re-assess after the first 2 weeks. i have only done 1 week of workouts. i'll post results in due course.

Veronica said...

i'll do it! i hate push-ups, but maybe i wouldn't if i could do them.

katygirl said...

Yeah, my arms have the consistency and strength of a semi-solid unpasteurized cheese. I am in.