Apr 24, 2008

gotta get away

before even realizing it, both nate and i managed to take tomorrow off. thursday really is the new friday. nate deserves his little holiday - he's been working hard, and working long hours, including late into the night and on weekends. good for him. as for me, i just wanted to use another day or two of my accumulated vacation before work gets crazy and they won't unchain me from the desk. tomorrow - last friday of the month, and we'll be taking as much advantage of it as possible. my plans include some time on my bike, checkbook balancing, cooking, and a healthy dose of midday hugs, so rare in the office environment and so wonderfully abundant in the presence of my homeboy.

meanwhile...in bigger and better vacation news, we'll be going on a 9-day trip beyond the shores of this continent come mid-may. once again, off to a destination not yet explored by either of us. can you guess? some of my people come from this place, and i've been thinking about visiting it for a while, though i haven't talked a whole lot about it. nate has had his picture up for a couple of days already. here's my first clue:

there are many details to square away, so much unplanned, still malleable. we have our plane tickets, and everything else is a work in progress. this is the second exciting and nerve-wracking part of the planning. the first was buying those damn tickets. (are you sure? should we? we should, right? okay, you ready? alright, okay, i'm going to...)


Anonymous said...


sarah jo said...
